As people who are super passionate about food and travel, we have always wanted to recreate that perfect dish we had on a vacation, savoured at a distant relative’s home, or craved for incessantly. But often, we would find ourselves struggling for time and recipes, making a list of ingredients we never had, shedding tears chopping onions, and what not. But the taste would just not be the same.
Sounds familiar, isn’t it?

the journey
So, as we travelled thousands of miles to discover the original taste of India, we deep dived into the local culture and traditional recipes of the region. We have worked with locals (Moms from the region) and top Chefs of the country to understand what it takes to get the flavours of each recipe right, and co-created CURRYIT COOKING PASTES.
With CURRYIT, everyone can make their favourite Indian dishes in just 15 minutes at home, without any cutting, chopping or kitchen mess!